Classes for Toddlers to Preschoolers – 1 year to 4 years.
ART ‘N’ MOVE is a stimulating, fun program that will build your child’s skills, confidence and independence.
Our activities encourage your toddler or preschooler to explore and experience new sensations and use their imagination, as they develop physical, social and intellectual skills.
Interactive Play and Movement Classes for babies 6 months – 14 months.
Learn how to have a positive impact on your child’s play.
PLAY ‘N’ MOVE is a dynamic program of play activities that provides a head start for learning and development.
A vibrant school readiness program preparing your child for the next step
Many parents whose children participate in our ART ‘N’ MOVE program want to take the next step. Some are not ready to send their child to school while others cannot get a place in a preschool. Many children are simply not adequately prepared for school.
Developing early cognitive skills creates an active learning process. Fun, creative and inspiring, LEARN ‘N’ MOVE enriches your child with the skills and knowledge required for a successful start to school.
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