A vibrant school readiness program preparing your child for the next step
Many parents whose children participate in our ART ‘N’ MOVE program want to take the next step. Some are not ready to send their child to school while others cannot get a place in a preschool. Many children are simply not adequately prepared for school.
Developing early cognitive skills creates an active learning process. Fun, creative and inspiring, LEARN ‘N’ MOVE enriches your child with the skills and knowledge required for a successful start to school.
1- hour sessions designed by trained and experienced Early Childhood Teachers, encourage and teach children to:
- Sit, cooperate, concentrate, and learn
- Observe
- Note similarities and differences
- Follow a sequence of instructions independently
- Solve problems
- Ask questions
LEARN ‘N’ MOVE incorporates:
- Letter and number recognition
- Fine motor and gross motor skills
- Group games and taking turns
- Art
- Fun
LEARN ‘N’ MOVE has been created specifically for children age 4 – 6 to learn and develop through:
- Letterland – a phonic based reading program capturing the imagination and interest of children through multi-sensory activities
- Number work – developing early maths skills and concepts
- Fine Motor skills – encouraging correct pencil grip, cutting, grasping
- Art and craft, music and movement – exploring the creative process while further developing motor skills
LEARN ‘N’ MOVE will stimulate:
- Pre-reading and pre-writing skills
- Language and expressive development
- Listening and concentration skills
- Imagination and creativity
- Fine motor skills
- Conceptual development
- Mathematical concepts
- Self-confidence
Small classes provide individual attention and give children the confidence to express thoughts and ideas to their teacher and classmates
Weekly themes integrated into educational activities focus on key developmental areas
Attention is paid to enhancing your child’s natural learning style
Weekly handouts help caregivers follow up on skills and content for each session
Success in school begins before a child ever enters the classroom. Research shows that early educational programs with highly qualified staff are more likely to produce positive outcomes for children‘s development and learning.